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What are the differences between LED chips and LED chips?

Datetime: 2018-12-03 08:58:51    View: 2082

I. Introduction

1. The LED chip is the main material of the LED, and the LED mainly relies on the chip to emit light.

2. The LED chip is a solid-state semiconductor device, which is a P-N junction. It can directly convert electricity into light. The heart of the LED is a semiconductor wafer. One end of the wafer is attached to a bracket, the other end is connected with the positive pole of the power supply, so that the whole wafer is encapsulated by epoxy resin.

II. Composition

1. Composition of LED wafer: There are several components of As (AS), Al (Ga), In (IN), P (N) and Sr (Si) elements.

2. The composition of LED chip is composed of gold pad, P pole, N pole, PN junction and back gold layer (double pad chip without back gold layer).

III. Classification

1, LED chip

1) According to luminance:

General brightness: R, H, G, Y, E, etc.

B. High brightness: VG, VY, SR, etc.

C. Ultra-high brightness: UG, UY, UR, UYS, URF, UE, etc.

D. Invisible light (infrared): IR, SIR, VIR, HIR;

What"s the difference between Hello LED chip and LED chip?

F. photocell: PD.

2) According to the constituent elements:

A. Binary wafers (phosphorus, gallium): H, G, etc.

B. Ternary wafers (phosphorus, gallium, arsenic): SR, HR, UR, etc.

C. Quaternary wafers (P, Al, Ga, In): SRF, HRF, URF, VY, HY, UY, UYS, UE, HE, UG

2, LED chip

1) According to the use, there are two types: high-power LED chip and low-power led chip.

2) According to the color points: mainly divided into three kinds: red, green and blue (white light raw materials);

3) According to the shape, it can be divided into two types: square and circular.

4) According to size: low-power chips are generally divided into 8 mil, 9 mil, 12 mil, 14 mil and so on.